Thursday, June 19, 2008

Enlightenment Mantras # 3

Here is a sure way to fail.....
Try to please everybody!

To be successful in anything, you must make your decisions and let the chips fall where they will. You cannot please everyone and if you try to then you are doomed to failure.

When we share the things that have meaning and value to us, there will always be people who disagree BUT on the other hand there will always be people who are encouraged by our message and thankful for it.

If you go through life trying to please everyone, the chances are you will be confused and stressed a great deal of the time. Your message is not for everyone but it is just right for some.

I do not try to please everyone because I know that's impossible.

Have you ever had someone try to tell you what to do and impose their ideas and agendas on you? Of course you have, we all have.
So what's the main point for you to learn from my experience with the nay sayers?
Simply this... Don't listen to them!

Whatever you have been called to do, keep doing it. Stay the course.

Realize that rejection is part of the price you must pay to succeed.

DON'T LISTEN TO THE NAY SAYERS. It is one of the sure ways to fail.

With love and light, I wish you Enlightenment,
Vikas Malkani
The Enlightenment Specialist