Thursday, September 11, 2008

Authenticity is the mark of the Master

2500 years ago, the Awakened one said…”One is not versed in Truth because one speaks much of it. One who, after hearing a little Truth, realises it directly and is constantly aware of it, is truly versed in the Truth”

In the spiritual supermarket out there, there are hundreds out there claiming to be awakened masters and teachers. Many are genuine but those who aren’t will make you suffer even more.

The genuine ones will free you and the ones who are here to misguide you will bind you even more in the chains of fear and ignorance.

The genuine ones will show you the power you have and make you responsible for your own reality; the pretenders will tell you that you are just a victim, a twig in the river of life.

The awakened ones will speak little but the truth and will bring the taste of reality to you; the others will lull you into deeper sleep and sing you a melodious lullaby in the process.

Just because people speak of the truth frequently and eloquently does not mean they are living in it. Beautiful words and eloquent speech is cheap and irrelevant.

Know a master not merely by the words you hear but by the quality of their awareness of the Truth!

With love and light, I wish you Enlightenment,

Vikas Malkani
The Enlightenment Specialist

Sunday, September 7, 2008


The worst disease of all is Victim-itis

I have been away from this blog, travelling and wandering Singapore and the world. In all my wanderings I meet people of all kinds – those who have a lot and those who have little; those who are very happy and those that are miserable.

It’s amazing to see how many of us think of ourselves as victims. We complain about our circumstances and what others did to us. We complain about what we have or what we do not have. We complain about the past and even about the future.

It’s important to understand that whatever psychological comfort there is in feeling powerless and blameless in any circumstances, in the end, victims lead unsatisfied lives.

The worst dis-ease of all is feeling like a victim. Thinking as if you have no power to create, no choice in the matter. Victim-itis covers your original nature (that of a powerful creator) under a thick layer of blame, complain, self-pity and misplaced righteousness. It leaves you powerless.

We're most vulnerable to victimitis when we're under the influence of powerful emotions like fear, insecurity, anger, frustration, grief, or depression. Yet it's during times of emotional tumult that using our power to choose our thoughts and attitudes is most important. Sometimes, we can't make pain go away, but we can refuse to suffer.

Reality begins with a thought.
Even when we don't like any of our choices, we do have some -- once we realize this, we can begin to take control, to reclaim our original nature. It isn't easy, but what we do and how we choose to feel about ourselves has a profound impact on the quality of our lives.

The world owes you nothing! Accept this fact! You are here to create whatever you want, by your own choices and actions, and you should do so joyfully.
Reality begins with a thought. Whether you are a victim or a creator also begins with a thought. As you think, so you become!

Watch your thoughts; they lead to attitudes.Watch your attitudes; they lead to actions.Watch your actions; they lead to habits.Watch your habits; they form your character.Watch your character; it determines your destiny.

These words of unknown origin tell us that our silent and often subconscious thoughts and choices shape our future.

Every aspect of our lives, at home and at work, can be improved if we use our power to think, reflect, and make conscious choices about our thoughts, attitudes, words, actions, and habits.
We never can control what others think, say and do, but we do have power over what we think, feel, say and do. Unless of course we think we don’t. As we think, so is our reality.
Taking personal responsibility for our happiness and success can be scary, but the payoff is enormous.

Wake up now – there are no victims! Don’t make your self one.

With love and light, I wish you Enlightenment,

Vikas Malkani
The Enlightenment Specialist