Monday, October 22, 2018

SoulKids® in Romania - Making a difference one child at a time

SoulKids® in Romania - Making a difference one child at a time
5 February 2018
By Dana Ilies, SoulKids® Mentor and Coach, Romania
After I finished my SoulKids® Mentor training I was asked to write a few words about myself for the Mentor page on the SoulKids® website. And this is what I wrote:
“Dana believes that when we give children the tools to lead a better life, our future will be a better and brighter world. Dana wants to change the world one child at a time!”
I did not know how I was going to go about doing this and I did not have a plan back then (that was in April 2016). But somehow, when you have a clear intention, the universe shows you the way. I continued to work as a SoulKids® Mentor in Singapore for 2 more years, teaching and inspiring children.
Early this year, we had to return to our home country Romania after many years overseas. I did not have a doubt in my mind about continuing my SoulKids® mission in Romania. It was a program I believed in and knew I wanted to continue to teach. We landed on April 3rd and my first program was on May 19th. It was sold out. The feedback I got was amazing and I continued with many more Programs following that.

Children in Romania love SoulKids®, and after every program I feel that I am one step closer to my goal. Parents benefit from SoulKids® too. A few days ago one parent told me that he sometimes tells himself “Always say yes, never give up”, something we teach children during the SoulKids® classes. It has been an amazing journey for me and I look forward to conducting many more successful programs here in Romania.
I end by encouraging all of you out there to believe you can make a difference in the world. There is no such thing as too small or too insignificant.
A few days ago I read a story about a girl, who was throwing back stranded Starfish from the beach into the sea. A man saw her and said there are thousands of stranded Starfish on the beach, you can only throw back a few of them, what difference does it make? And the girl answered while picking up one more Starfish, it makes a difference for this one.
Romania is one more file in the SoulKids® success story, and for that I am grateful to Vikas, the wisest teacher, to Sally Forrest who believed in me and brought me here, and to Vidhya Shailesh who guided me on my journey.
SoulKids®, Romania salutes you!
To find out more about our programs, please visit or email us for more information. We offer group programs for different age groups and even offer one-on-one coaching if your child requires specific help and guidance.