Thursday, September 25, 2008

Are you a Master or Slave?

The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.

If you have become a negative thinker, it is only because you have not cared to train your mind. You have not taken out the time or developed the discipline to make it your friend.

Training the mind is necessary to enable it to focus on the positive and to have clarity. Training the mind is necessary for happiness, and success.

Remember, we become what we think about all day long. So if you have not trained your mind to think the right thoughts, you have not really valued your happiness, success or life.

There is nothing more important than your own happiness and fulfilment and this can come only to a mind that has been trained.

So make the best investment with the highest return – train your mind through the practice of meditation.

With love and light, I wish you Enlightenment,
Vikas Malkani
The Enlightenment Specialist
BTW, I’m teaching the popular and powerful ‘Meditation Made Simple’ starting on the 20th of October. Those of you interested to begin this journey are welcome to get in touch with me.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Nothing will destroy you as much as the knowledge that you had the chance to manifest the tremendous potential within you and you refused to accept the challenge.

You are born to shine your light on the world!
It is your birth-right.

With love and light, I wish you Enlightenment,
Vikas Malkani
The Enlightenment Specialist