Friday, February 21, 2014

Meditation activates Concentration

The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large – Confucius

An essential part of meditation is to learn how to keep your attention focused; this ability of the mind is known as concentration. Concentration helps us in many ways - it assists us in grasping quickly what another person says, it increases our ability to remember things, it helps us to focus on our goals and achieve them more easily. Concentration so focuses your mind that solutions come surprisingly fast and easily – they almost flow into you. And to realise that you can reap these benefits only by thinking intensively for a few minutes makes the whole process even more rewarding.

Once you have developed the ability to concentrate, your mind becomes your faithful servant – you can tell it to do exactly what you want, and it will follow. You can throw out all negative thoughts and focus only on positive ones. You can decide to be with people who make you happy and comfortable and stay away from those who are negative and difficult to deal with. You can look for work that interests you rather than slog away at things that are boring and dreary.

Meditation helps you acquire the ability to flow towards your best and highest life. Meditate to celebrate your life!

If you would like more information about the unique meditation programs created by Vikas Malkani and offered by SoulCentre® please contact:

Vikas Malkani / SoulCentre
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372