Friday, June 6, 2008

Enlightenment Mantras # 2

As I said in my post earlier, the Enlightenment Mantras that I share with you here are meant to make you transcend your normal way of thinking.

If you look at the definition of the word "normal" you will find that it means 'to be like everyone else, to be one of the masses, to think and act in an accepted way'. In other words to be normal is to be conditioned.

The Enlightenment Mantras that I share with you here are meant to de-condition you; to break down your normal way of thinking. They are meant to de-construct your present mind set. They are meant to make you from 'normal' to 'abnormal'.
Once this is achieved, your perception of life will change and so will your experience of life, because experience always follows perception.

Spiritually maturity is achieved easiest not by adding more and more new constructs and information to your mind, but by a breaking down of everything that is non essential to the manifestation of your happiness and freedom. And this is exactly what these Enlightenment Mantras are created to do.

So here is your Enlightenment Mantra for today.....


In every moment of your life today, unknown and unplanned things will happen to you, some which you will like and some which you will hate. Some people today will make you happy and some will disturb you to no end.
However, no matter what happens, remember that is it your teacher. Be open to it, learn the lesson it provides, and move one step ahead.

With love and light, I wish you Enlightenment,
Vikas Malkani
The Enlightenment Specialist

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Non-Resistance is the way of the Enlightened

Can u kindly elaborate on the 'non-resistance' disposition? Suppose something u dislike or untoward happens, do u accept it? I'd like to know how to deal with the 'thou shall not' principles that guide our existence.

Namaste Gladys,

The teaching is the following...
Existence is far bigger than you or me. No-one of us is the whole of Life itself but have individual lives within this Whole. Living in our ego-identity, we think that our life is the whole, and thus want Existence to fall in line with our desires and wishes in every moment, and when it doesn't we resist the moment and what-is.

It is a fact of life that literally everything in existence is beyond our control. In fact if you look deeply enough you find that the maximum you can control, and this too only happens with a lot of training, is your own action, your own feelings and your own thoughts.
Beyond this, no-thing and no-one is in your control.

Thus, since existence is largely made up of what you cannot control, it is obvious that things that you want will happen sometimes, as well as things you do not want at other times.

Resistance to anything will only provide more fuel for your ego, and feed the thing you resist itself, as you try to manipulate and maneuver things to fall in line with your desires.
Resistance to what-is will create more suffering and pain, for you and for others around you.

I still remember the day my Master asked me "What makes you think you are here to make everything go your way?"
It was a revelation for me and stunned me into silence and freedom.

All along I had been living life thinking that things should always go my way!
If you look deeply you ll realise that the whole world lives thinking the same thing, and because we always resist what-is, and want things to be just the way we want them to be, we always create pain, and suffer.

Non-resistance means that you simply open yourself fully to life, and accept whatever the moment brings. accept whatever arises, in you or in another around you, and then from a point of acceptance of the moment, you observe your options, choose the option that best leads to overall harmony, and take action on it.

You are still making choices, only from a state of non resistance to Existence and what it brings to you in the moment. You are responding to Existence rather than reacting to it, and in this crucial difference is the secret to happiness, joy, manifestation and enlightenment.

This is the way of the Masters.

Remember the 3 crucial words...
1. Accept (Non-Resistance)
2. Observe (Choice)
3. Respond (Action)
This is the teaching of the Enlightened Masters.


May I suggest you read my book The Little Manual of Enlightenment (available everywhere) and also Enlightenment Made Simple (if you can get your hands on this one as its out of print) as in both of them I have written more about the subject of Non-Resistence. Thank you Gladys.

With love and light, I wish you enlightenment.

Vikas Malkani
The Enlightenment Specialist

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Enlightenment Mantras

Enlightenment Mantras

From today onwards I have decided to share with you powerful and very practical Mantras, which will guide you towards your own Enlightenment.

Remember that Mantras are tools that help you to transcend the way that your mind has been working for the past many lifetimes. So the tools that I will present you with will allow you to see the world with completely new eyes and to create a completely new reality for yourself.

All you have to do is to plant the Mantra that I share with you into the soil of your mind, and allow it to stay there. It will grow on its own and bring about changes from the inside out.

So here is your Enlightenment Mantra for today:


When you fight something, you have actually halted the flow of your life energy to change something or to resist it; you have taken a pause. Instead fight with nothing; see what the moment offers you, accept it, observe your options and use the best option to move one step ahead in your own life journey.

Allow nothing to obstruct you, instead use everything to increase your flow!

With love and light, I wish you Enlightenment,

Vikas Malkani
The Enlightenment Specialist

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Real Secret

The Real Secret

You are already free.
You are always a creator.


In every moment, you are free to choose your thoughts, you are free to choose your words, and you are free to choose your actions.
These 3 things create your life.

What do you think free-will is? It is the freedom of choice; the ability to choose to think and do as you wish.

So what are you choosing to think about, talk about and take action on, in this moment?
This is how you exercise your free-will in every moment. This is how you create your reality in every moment, whether you realize it or not.

Thus the most important question in your life is - "What are you thinking now? "
In this simple action lies the seed of your reality.

This simple action also is the most powerful action that's is possible for you.

So what are you thinking NOW?

When you think, consciously or un-consciously, you choose! And when you choose, you create.
This is the only way it is.
And that's the real Secret!

Choose your thought in every moment and you are a Master of your life.

What are you choosing NOW?
What are you creating NOW?

With love and light to you,

Vikas Malkani
The Enlightenment Specialist