Wednesday, November 23, 2016



Sally Forrest
23 November 2016
Instructions from Source is a beautiful coffee table book full of inspiration and beauty.

188 Instructions that will guide you on how to live a fuller and happier life.

These instructions came to Vikas in moments of deep meditation and are simple to apply to life. Just one instruction when applied to life will make a huge difference.

The wisdom is interspersed with beautiful images depicting nature in all its splendor.

“The circle of life begins with me.”

“What your mind becomes full of your life becomes full of.”

“Everything and everyone is your teacher if you pay attention.”

“It is not change that hurts you; it is your resistance to it that does.”

The books are limited edition as only 500 are printed.
Each one has its own number.
Each book is A4 in size, hard backed and complete with butterfly cover.

Opening Special Offer – Ideal for X'mas gifts
Individual books are $75 SGD
Buy 3 for $150 SGD
Buy 6 for $270

Reserve your copy today. Connect on

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What Is Meditation – Meditation For Beginners

Sally Forrest
16 November 2016

The term meditation is often misunderstood.

Many assume that it is difficult to learn and that you have to sit cross legged on the floor for hours on end and achieve a state of “no thought”.

Many think it is linked to certain religions and is not for everyone.
Allow us to clarify exactly what meditation is and how it can support you in life.

Meditation simply is a way that allows you to see how your thoughts are affecting your reality.

“As you think, so you become” is the basis of meditation.

Once you start to see your thoughts and understand that they really do affect how you feel and act in life, then you have a choice to take.

“Do I want to keep thinking in a certain way – always reacting to the external world and its stimulus, and getting disturbed and upset about things I cannot control or do I want to choose my thoughts in a considered way and respond to life differently.”

Let me give you an example; you are driving to work in the morning and a car suddenly cuts into your lane with no indication.

The first reaction could be to horn the driver, get angry and allow this anger to translate into actions (you pull an angry face at the driver- raise a finger in the air – get angry and rant to those in your car, naming and blaming the driver in front as “an idiot/stupid“)

I think you know the scene and it’s a familiar one.

In the moment of anger, you lose all of your happiness and it was not even something that you did – it was as a result of an external event.

With meditation, you first see what is happening and then see how your thoughts are reacting to the external situation. You then simply allow yourself to make a decision – do these thoughts support me and my peaceful/calm mind or not?

The event has happened already and you cannot change or control the external event. However, what you can control is how your respond to it.

Meditation provides you with tools and techniques that allow you to choose how you want to respond to life instead of reacting to it.

It is easy to learn and at SoulCentre® techniques are shared that you can apply in every situation that life offers.

At SoulCentre® we teach through life stories and practical techniques that will suit every occasion.

We teach from beginner all the way to teacher level. Many of our teachers now travel all over the world teaching and sharing the wisdom with others.

Anyone and everyone can learn, children from the age of 6 all the way to seniors of 86 have passed through our Meditation Made Simple® programs.

So what are you waiting for?

Sign up today for a class and see how life changes.
It will be the best decision you have ever made.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Reiki Singapore – Healing For All

Sally Forrest
2 November 2016

I first discovered Reiki over 15 years ago whilst living in Thailand.

As a medical pharmacist I found it fascinating to see how healing can take place naturally and how once the body and mind are peaceful and positive then healing follows.

I am a firm believer that the body has an innate intelligence and intuitively “knows” how to heal itself, we simply have to get into the flow of being in harmony and balance and allow the miracles to happen.

Reiki is easy to learn and super easy to use, all you need to do is to put your hands on yourself and the healing flows.
Having taught thousands of students, from all ages and all walks of life, it is fascinating to see that Reiki affects people primarily on one of 3 levels :
  • The Physical Level  (healings occur in the body)
  • The Emotional Level (negative emotions are replaced with a more pragmatic and positive approach to life)
  •  The Mental Level (how you think about life starts to change, and the small issues no longer become issues)
Students arrive for our Reiki programs not knowing what to expect, there is natural apprehension and maybe even a “fear of the unknown”.

However they soon discover and experience the Reiki “magical effects” and I always say its like receiving an “eye bath”, suddenly the world looks different and you move in the flow of life in a smooth and easy way.

Synchronicity starts to kick in and amazing events unfold just at the right time and the results are super positive.

At SoulCentre we teach Reiki to many professionals, Spa Therapists, Reiki Practitioners and medical doctors.

We provide professional and complete training for students to become Reiki practitioners and teachers.

We teach to high standards because we want everyone who receives Reiki to do so in a professional and supportive manner.

Reiki really is for everyone and the benefits are instant.

It is the best gift that you can give to yourself and it is with you for life.

Register for one of our Reiki programs and see how life changes…… it will be the start of a new and exciting chapter in life.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Guided Meditation

Sally Forrest
26 October 2016

The world is speeding up and we are connected 24/7to stimulus and gadgets.

Have you ever stopped to think about your super busy mind?

When does your mind get time to rest and truly relax?

Meditation classes are wonderful to attend, however busy schedules and meetings that over run, coupled with traffic jams and a feeling of ‘I simply cannot be bothered after such a hectic day’ often mean you skip class.

So now we have the solution – 4 professionally recorded guided meditations by our resident experts Vikas Malkani and Sally Forrest.
Relaxing music and verbal instructions to bring you to a state of inner happiness and bliss.
15-20 minutes is all it takes.

Relaxing music and words of wisdom that guide you into a state where your mind-body and spirit truly relaxes and regenerates.

Health, healing happiness and inner peace result.

4 titles that suit everyone and everyday situations :
  • Meditation for Love – Sally Forrest
  • Meditation for Happiness – Sally Forrest
  • Meditation for Manifestation – Vikas Malkani
  • Meditation for Positive Energy – Vikas Malkani
Simply switch on and listen to the relaxing music and words of wisdom.

Plan it into your schedule, make it a part of your daily routine and see the benefits immediately. Download it onto your phone and bliss out on the train:-)

It becomes a companion and a trusted guide in times of need.

Some of the many benefits include :
  • Deep inner stillness.
  • Removal of negative thoughts.
  • Clearing the clutter in the mind and allowing relaxation and focus.
  • Reduces stress.
  • Reduces anxiety.
  • Helps pain management.
  • Improves sleep.
  • Removes anger and negative emotions.
  • Increases happiness, joy and well-being.

Wisdom had never been so affordable.

ONLY 9 SGD per track or 30 SGD for all 4 tracks
Connect today and take the first step towards a happier, healthier and calmer life.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

How Meditation Has Helped Me As A Mother

Vidhya Shailesh
19th October 2016

Meditation has been one of the greatest blessings of my life.

I came to meditation with mixed feelings, not very convinced that I really needed it. As any parent would attest, parenthood presents one with several challenges. However, not once did it occur to me to consider meditation. After all meditation was something I had to do for myself, all my challenges were outside of me, and it was others that needed help. This thinking changed completely as I embarked on my journey into the world of meditation.
Signing up for the course on Meditation was one of the best investments I have ever made. It gave me the wisdom and tools for life from a perspective I had not considered before. What struck me first and foremost was how wrong I was in my thinking and it taught me how important it was to be able to manage my own mind first.

The meditation training was phenomenal. In simple, practical ways, it helped me see how often I was becoming a victim of my own thoughts and how I could stop that from happening. The benefits could be felt from the very first day. I could feel the calm and peace within after just a few minutes of practice. While I have always been an optimist, I often struggled with my ability to manage my own emotions. Needless to say, the children were often victims of my outbursts. Meditation taught me how to manage these emotions and to be more balanced in all situations, helping me focus on my conscious response.

By focusing on the good and the positive, it gave me the ability to create my happiness. The kids too were delighted to see the new “me”.

My engagement with the children has been enhanced significantly. I have become more aware of my own thoughts and feelings and certainly able to manage them better. A regular meditation practice serves as my daily happiness pill. It helps me stay balanced. When conflicts do arise, it helps me respond to them in a calm manner. When I am more in control of myself, I find even the children become more receptive, and willing to reason. There is certainly more peace and harmony in our relationship.

While challenges continue to exist, I believe the one thing that has changed is my ability to handle them. Meditation has taught me to choose happiness always. It has opened my heart in many ways and I find myself more able to give love and happiness to those around me. My world around me is a result of what I put out. Meditation has helped me create a life by choice.

It is a practice I am committed to not just because it makes me a better mother, but because it is making me a better person.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Meditation Courses - What Are The Benefits Of Learning Meditation In A Group Class

Sally Forrest 
12th October 2016

We have been teaching Meditation & Mindfulness at SoulCentre for the past 12 years.

Many different people have passed through our doors and each one leaves a happier and calmer person as a result.

Finding a good teacher is the secret of meditation.

It is easy to do on line courses or listen to guided meditations and to think that this is what meditation is all about, however this is not the truth.

The true test of meditation is when the storms of life hit us and we are able to stay anchored and calm as we sail through them.

Many people are not able to do this and at the first sign of trouble a few things happen;

  • The “why me” response …life is not fair and why has this hit me.
  • The verbal reaction happens – Sh*t - F*** - Bas***d ……you pick the language – the chances are this is what you say the moment the storm hits. “Jesus” is another popular one and often it is uttered from people who are not particularly religious.
  • The blame starts – if so and so had not done x/y/z …then this would not have happened to me….
  • Often we become angry – we feel like we are victims – we moan, crib and blame everyone else but ourselves.
This is the benefit of a teacher, a real person who will simply listen and hold up a mirror for us to see the reality of our life. We begin to see why the things that happen to us do so.

Our thoughts, actions and choices brought the storm upon us, so now, how we chose to respond will determine the next chapter.

The joys of group meditation allow you to experience the lives of many other individuals and to listen and learn from them.

Experiences are shared and a storm that one person is going through may resonate with you and you can see a different way of dealing with it.

Alternatively the storm may not have hit you just yet, but who knows what the future holds and at least you are prepared.

One thing is for sure, we all encounter storms, and with the right tools and training we can adjust our sails and continue with life.

  • Group meditation classes have many benefits and these include;
  • Like-minded people on the journey to calmness.
  • A sharing of experiences.
  • A sharing of techniques and what worked and great ideas how to benefit even more.
  • A brotherhood and sisterhood develops.
  • Successes are celebrated and people start to notice your calmness and gentle aura.
  • Ideas are shared openly and ones that you can apply to your life should be welcomed and applied.
  • You start to realize that everyone has issues and stuff happening to them – and actually your life is not that different from others.
  • The dramas start to reduce as you realize they are no longer dramas, unless of course we choose to make them into dramas.
  • You have a dedicated teacher who supports you and guides you on this journey called life.
We teach meditation each month in 4 session courses ( morning and evening sessions).

If you have not learnt yet, what are you waiting for?

It's the best gift that you can give to yourself!

Connect with us today;

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Meditation Singapore – 7 Benefits Of Meditation For Children

By Vikas Malkani
5 October 2016

Meditation is a simple but effective technique that has several beneficial effects on our children’s emotional, mental and intellectual development. It helps children connect with their inner strengths, sleep better and develop better social interactions. It also helps them to manage stress, stay calm and respond to challenges rather than get overwhelmed by them.
Meditation helps children in a variety of ways. It helps reduce stress, strengthens the immune system, can improve relationships at home & at school, decreases aggressiveness and anxieties, improves behaviour and attitude, improves focus, memory & concentration and promotes inner peace.

Meditation has also proven effective in helping kids release negative thoughts and behaviours and in building self-confidence. Mindfulness and meditation are fantastic tools that kids can learn at an early age which will help them throughout their lives.

Most of what parents want for their kids, emotionally, socially and personally, is possible through meditation. In fact, the impact of meditation on kids can be life-changing.  

There are thousands of studies showing the positive impact of meditation on our health and well-being. Here are some of the positive traits and skills meditation brings in children.

1) Self-Management - Kids learn to become more aware of their own bodies and their reaction to stress so that they can better take control of their emotional and physical states. This ability to calm themselves when they experience stress is an invaluable tool, and leads them to have a more positive outlook on life and to be more confident.

2) Increased Focus - Children learn how to focus their attention and concentration. This helps them read, study and learn more efficiently. Here is an example - when an elementary school in the Midwest did eight weeks of meditation with their third-graders, teachers reported significantly less hyperactive behaviour, ADHD symptoms, and inattentiveness in their students.

3) Enhanced Self-Esteem - Meditation helps kids learn how to pay attention to their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. In turn, they are able to be more empathetic and more compassionate toward others. They even become better listeners. Students in various high schools have reported significant boosts in self-esteem from their meditation practice.

4) Creative Thinking - Children are naturally very creative, but often they don’t fully tune in to their creative wellspring. Meditation leads to an increased ability for children to tap into their natural creativity. At Leiden University, psychologists have found that, after doing short meditation exercises, participants performed better on tasks that required them to generate new creative ideas.

5) Inner Calmness – It’s interesting to note that many elementary-aged children use entertainment technology, video games, texting, TV, etc., for up to 7.5 hours a day on average! This technology encourages fast paced and frenetic mind activity and a culture of multi-tasking. Children are especially susceptible to the side effects of too much technology, such as shorter attention span, less patience, anxiety and nervousness. It’s very important to counterbalance all this exposure to technology with some quiet time, and meditation is the perfect complement.

6) Personal Growth - As children grow, they learn who they are and what makes them happy. Meditation teaches them self-awareness. By looking inside themselves, they find out what they’re passionate about and what they want to do in life. They understand their own reactions better and can learn to self-regulate when they are triggered. They develop a certain independence and can follow their own intuition instead of just following the crowd.

The nature of the mind, when stressed, is to jump from thought to thought like a monkey. If there is tension, then the mind cannot be calm. Meditation gives them a healthy rest from the ‘monkey mind’ so they can function more effectively and with clarity. Additionally, the child’s creativity will flow best when their mind is freed from the demands of tension and stress

7) Overcoming Fear Fear is another challenge for children as they are growing up in this fast-paced world. Fears, such as not being accepted and not having friends as well as the primal fears of death and losing loved ones, can trouble children. Emotional stability is essential for healthy growth.

Meditation helps children cope with the emotions of frustration and fear. It helps to balance the whole system by supporting emotional development and gives rest to the mind so that they are not overwhelmed by their strong feelings.

Vikas Malkani is an internationally renowned teacher of meditation and mindfulness classes in Singapore. He is also the author of the best-selling book ‘The Little Manual of Meditation’.

For the next meditation class with Vikas Malkani, see here

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Certified Meditation Teachers – Teaching Soulcentre Meditation Classes

28 September 2016

Louise Willis, a SoulCentre Certified Meditation Teacher, is benefiting more people with her next class of meditation in Singapore. Here are some words, straight from her heart, about what drives her.

“I took the ‘Meditation Made Simple’ course with Vikas at SoulCentre a few years ago, and was so inspired and benefited by it that I went on to complete my meditation teacher certification so I could help others benefit too.

I’ve taught this amazing meditation class in Singapore before and seen first-hand how it changes people’s lives for the better. So I am happy to be teaching “Meditation Made Simple" once again, on November 10/15/24/29

I can guarantee that you will receive effective tools and processes to
-        Become happier
-        Manage your stress and anxiety, and
-        Improve life in all aspects.

Believe me, I am living proof of this. And here is another student from my earlier class who also benefited immensely -

‘The tools I received are very useful already and I know will become even more so over time. Louise did a great job explaining and engaging on the material’
- D.P. (Singapore)

Meditation changed my life; connect with me to make your life better too!”

With gratitude,
Louise Willis 
SoulCentre Certified Meditation Teacher
Tel: (65) 9452 2082

I am so proud of Louise. She is a wonderful human being and an impactful teacher of meditation classes.

Vikas Malkani
Founder, SoulCentre

SoulCentre is Asia’s Premier Centre for Meditation, Mindfulness and Stress Management.

To benefit from our unique meditation classes or to enrol in our meditation teacher certification training, connect with us on

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

28 September 2016

I have been teaching Reiki for close to 15 years and thousands of students have learnt at SoulCentre.
One of the most amazing aspects of Reiki is how life changes after the first lesson.

It’s almost like living in a house with dirty windows and suddenly someone comes along and cleans the windows and for the first time you can really see colours, images and your life clearly.

A whole new energy and atmosphere results and its like life has really taken on a positive turn.

At Reiki we teach hands on healing, which supports the body in its healing process and also bringing it into balance.

However more importantly we teach a way of living life, which allows you to be more connected to this wonderful universe we live in and to move into synchronicity and support as you live your daily life.

What does this mean exactly?

Many situations arise where you simply are amazed at how they happened and there is no logical explanation for them;
  • You think of a person you have not spoken to for a long time and then they call
  • You hear a song on the radio which brings a deep message to you and later something else happens with the exact same message
  • You make a plan to follow your dream and suddenly opportunities arise which previously you could not imagine possible.
  • You need money to purchase something of benefit and then its manifested in some unusual way.
  • You are keen to meet a certain person and a friend of a friend introduces you. The list is endless….
Since learning Reiki my life has truly been guided.

Each step is like a piece of a Jigsaw that fits into place and slowly piece by piece a beautiful image is created.

I am passionate about teaching Reiki to others in a professional manner.

The student attracts the teacher they deserve – this is a fact – and I am fully committed to giving everything I can to support each of my students on their Reiki journey.

Many students have now become Reiki teachers and it is such a joy to see their growth, happiness and passions for Reiki.

I am truly blessed to be able to teach.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Reiki Singapore – Just For Today … Be Happy

21 September 2016

Sally Forrest BSc, MRPharmS, MBA

As a medical pharmacist I was trained to always treat the symptoms of disease and little attention was given to the root cause of these symptoms that manifest in the body.

I am blessed to have experienced the wonders of Reiki, a simple hands on healing that has dramatic effects on health, emotions and general well being.

Not only do you learn key healing positions and what they mean on a mental and emotional level, you also learn about new ways of thinking and being.
I have taught thousands of students Reiki healing and each of them notices a difference on one of 3 levels :
  • Mental – they begin to think about life in a new way.
  • Emotional – negative emotions are replaced with positive ones.
  • Physical – body ailments simply start to heal on their own.
At the root of all disease is a moving away from joy, peace and happiness.

We become unhappy or discontented about something in life and we hold onto these emotions, which eventually manifest in the body.

Dis-Ease is simply a moving away from ease.
Reiki will bring you back to balance and this is where true healing begins. After all if the body knows how to make itself sick, it surely knows how to heal.
The body is truly amazing and it continues to function without much effort from us.
For example :
  • If you break a bone, the body knows how to fix itself,
  • At night when you sleep and let go of this world we live in, the body continues to breathe and the heat beats and all is in order…
So Reiki allows you to have a much deeper understanding of your body- your emotions and your mind.

"Just for today be happy" is a mantra that I adopt and teach to my students.

After all life is a choice, we can choose to be happy or we can choose to let the externals of life distract us and make us unhappy.

Happiness is a state of being that allows healing and many students report unbelievable results after learning Reiki.
  • Illnesses improve and often disappear.
  • Allergies heal themselves.
  • Women who were unable to conceive find out they are pregnant (this is always a joy to hear).
  • Parents give Reiki to their children and their sleep patterns improve, as do their emotions.
Reiki truly is a first aid kit that you hold in your hands.

Anyone and everyone can learn it, and students have ranged from 6-86 years of age.

Do connect and register from our upcoming Reiki classes – it's the best gift you can give to yourself!
Weekday - Thursday 6/ Friday 7 October (10am-2pm)
Weekend – Saturday 8 / Sunday 9 October (10 am–3pm – lunch break included in timings) 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Meditation in Singapore – Top 3 Benefits of Meditation

By Vikas Malkani
14th September 2016

Meditation shows you how you function, how you create your life experience and even how to choose what you want your life to be. In other words, meditation is the fastest path to understanding the mind and taking charge of your life!

The benefits of meditation are many. It works on the physical body and also goes deeper to the emotional and mental levels of the practitioner. Those who continue to learn and grow with meditation find emotional and spiritual benefits too.

Learning the ‘Meditation Made Simple’ class at SoulCentre is easy, and the meditation techniques can be practised anywhere to see quick benefits.
Even a few minutes a day of meditation practice brings about very important benefits. Here are the top 3 from my perspective –

1)  Meditation reduces stress and improves health problems - Up to 70% of health problems are psychosomatic, that is, they have a mental origin, so it is easy to understand how control over our thoughts that meditation brings can help many of these disorders.

Meditation releases stress, which then causes our muscles to relax, including the muscular walls of our blood vessels. This means more blood can pump through the vessels and there is less resistance to the overall flow. This means less blood pressure.

In contrast, high blood pressure is recognised as a major factor in producing heart diseases and heart attacks.

2)  Meditation develops a whole-brain perspective - Studies show meditation has a balancing and harmonising effect on the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Our left hemisphere is responsible for our logical thinking. The right side is responsible for feelings. Due to fast-paced modern life, many of us tend to operate more from the left hemisphere. We think too much and analyse too much, at the expense of our feelings.

Meditation allows us to have the right balance of logical analytical thought and emotional feelings, thus helping develop a ‘whole brain’ mind-set.

3)  Meditation creates happiness, compassion and gratitude - One method of meditation is mindfulness, which is all about living in the moment, rather than focusing on past regrets or future worries. Naturally, this creates feelings of relaxation, gratitude, joy and happiness. One becomes more patient and compassionate with the practice of meditation. 

Relaxed blood vessels allow increased blood flow to all body parts. Increased blood flow to the brain means we feel fresher and can think more clearly.

Meditation also reduces the production of the body’s stress hormones. Studies show that hormone levels in those who practice meditation regularly are similar to those in people up to ten years younger. This is one of the reasons why meditators look and feel younger.

With regular meditation, we tend to fall asleep quicker and our sleep is deeper. This means we get a better quality sleep and wake up feeling fresher and more alive. We also feel more energetic and calmer throughout the day.

Vikas Malkani is an internationally renowned teacher of meditation classes, and the best-selling author of The ‘Little Manual of Meditation’.

For attending a meditation class with Vikas Malkani, connect to us at :

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Reiki Demystified - What is Natural Healing?

7th September 2016

"Imagine listening to your body and knowing how you can support it - this is the secret of natural healing."

Sally Forrest

Once you tune out of all the external distractions of the world, and begin to tune into yourself and your own inner messages, then miracles can happen.

Reiki natural healing is simply the ability to really connect with and listen to your own body and then use the energy of the universe to bring healing and balance to your body.

A peaceful body is in harmony with itself and is in balance.

A body with "Dis-ease" simply means that it is out of balance and harmony, it has moved away from ease and symptoms now develop.

Sally believes that if a body knows how to make itself "dis-eased" then it also knows how it can make itself healthy and whole.

All we need to do is to tune in and to listen.

Reiki is an easy to learn process whereby you can use the universal energy (the energy that makes the waves form, the wind blow, the trees bend etc.) to bring natural healing to yourself and others.

You begin to have awareness that emotions play a crucial role in our health and healing and learn to see where emotions impact and are stored in the body.

For example if you worry a lot, then your stomach area will be affected and you will have symptoms such as reflux, irritable bowel, weight gain etc.…

If you are hard on yourself, over controlling and take on too much, then you can get headaches and also shoulder issues.

Sally teaches Reiki from beginner level all the way to Certified Teacher level.

A medical pharmacist by training, Sally realised that many people in the world have no access to medicines yet can heal themselves in various ways.

This was the beginning of her journey into the mind-body connections and she has been learning and teaching for over 15 years.

Her next courses are in October and she offers both mid week and weekend dates.

Please do connect- it will be the best gift that you can give to yourself and your family.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Inner Stress Relief – How to manage your Stress? By Vikas Malkani

The word 'stress' originates from the French word 'estrece' meaning 'narrowness' and is used to depict a limiting or constriction of your power and abilities. You have the feeling of being emotionally and mentally stressed out when you think you have too much to handle.
Anything viewed negatively has the potential of causing stress in your life regardless of what the thing may be. However, what makes one person stress-full may be quite an ordinary event for another. The secret to releasing stress is to realize that stress therefore is created not by the event or circumstance itself but by the way we respond to what happens to us in any moment of our life. We are the creators of stress and it we alone can provide the solution to it.

In essence, stress is the result of the way you think. And if you develop the ability to change the way you think, you will have in your hands the power to eradicate the stress that you feel.

Here are 3 easy ways to manage the inner stress you may encounter ;

1. Act, then Detach
Trying to control every moment and outcome of your life causes more stress and disharmony than any other process.

Take the action the present moment requires, and once the action is done, stop clinging to the results. After your best is done, step back and wait for the results to arrive, then respond to them.

It’s the constant clinging and worry about the results that is the primary creator of stress.

Do your best, then Let-go, and become stress-free.

2. Meditate
You always have two choices in every situation – either curse the darkness, or light a candle. Meditation helps you to train your mind to choose the more positive attitude, always, regardless of the situation.

Negative thinking produces stress and thinking positively releases it. Remember that stress arises out of the way you think, and since meditation is the skill of training your mind, meditation is also one of the most effective antidotes to stress.

Find a good teacher, and learn to meditate. And whatever the situation, keep your mind focused on the positive outcome you want to achieve, rather than the negative outcome you want to avoid!

3. Chunk it down!
Do things one at a time. Don’t be too concerned about how much there is to do, or how overwhelming some of the tasks seem. Just get one thing done at a time, again and again. Keep your mind focused on the one action you can take now, and do what’s in your power. One step at a time you can climb the highest mountain, and one step at a time you can accomplish the greatest task.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So chunk it down and you will accomplish more with greater ease.

SoulCentre is Asia’s Premier Centre for Meditation, Mindfulness & Stress-Management.
For details of our training programs, connect to

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Outer Stress Relief - How to manage your environment

Just for a moment "STOP" and think about your home, your office, your environment that you spend so much time in.

How does it feel to you?
Does it fill you with happiness, joy and peace, or is it chaotic, confused and cluttered?

Your external environment plays a significant role in your internal environment and your thoughts, your emotions and actions are all influenced by it.

With today’s fast paced world, we excel at being busy, and sometimes our environment is not a priority to us.

Also we are turning into a nation of shop-a-holics and hoarders and soon every available space is stuffed full of "possessions" and all this stuff literally wears us down, as we need to take care of it all.

So make a decision to take control of your environment.

Simplify - Simplify - Simplify is the motto!

Start with the front door / your home or office entrance, and take a look at what story it is telling to the world.

The beautiful energy of the universe enters into your space through this door, so make a point of welcoming it with appreciation and love.

  1. Clear away any clutter that block the energy entering into your home (both inside and outside the main door).
  2. Ensure all plants are healthy, vibrant and alive.
  3. Spruce up the paintwork and make the door welcoming.
  4. Clean the space – a sparkling clean door and entrance is so welcoming.
  5. Make it bright and attractive.

Once you do this, notice the difference.
Change will happen within a few days.
Don’t believe me? Then try it … it's amazing and it works.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

How to manage post holiday stress?

The holiday are over and it's time to get back to the daily routine, which for many of us does not fill us with glee.

Do you have that feeling that life has to be more than simply working to pay the bills?

Is your inner voice shouting out all the things in your daily life that you do not enjoy, all the mundane and boring tasks that have to be done?

It is chattering non-stop and robbing your happiness and peace?

As you go about your daily activities are you constantly thinking of the fun times you had on holiday – of the freedom of walking on the beach – of the relaxed evenings with no e-mails / phones or agendas, waking up with nothing to do apart from have fun….

If you can relate to the above then the chances are you are starting to feel stressed inside, and it's time to take action to stop this before it becomes real.
A few tips from our resident stress experts at SoulCentre:
  • Accept reality - Understand that whatever is happening in your life at this moment is a choice you made – so do not fight with it – simply accept it, this way you will be able to manage the situation in a more calm manner.
  • Do not focus on the past - The holiday is over; it was fun at that moment in tIme, however it is now in the past. If you live this moment wanting what has passed, then you will become unhappy in this moment. Once you realise this then you simply focus on this moment with awareness and see the positives in this moment.
  • Count your blessings and focus on what is good at this moment in your life - You were able to take a holiday and to travel to a lovely place; this is truly a blessing that many cannot afford.
  • Plan in “me time” – simply get out your diary and block in at least 2 hours a week as “me time”. During this time do whatever you desire as a treat to yourself.
  • STOP – look at the thoughts in your mind - Are they positive and serving your happiness? If not then change them; no one wants to be unhappy, so choose positive thoughts that serve you. For example you can think about planning a future break, you can think about the faces of those you love, about nature, about your favourite food… Whatever it is simply switch and focus on what makes you feel happy.

At SoulCentre we keep you stable in the storms of life.

We teach techniques and provide tools that support you in life.

We tell you stories that stay with you forever and ones where simply by hearing them you understand the lessons of life.

Life is a gift – Celebrate it!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

What is Mindfulness Meditation?

A lot of confusion exists about what meditation and mindfulness really are, is there a difference between them, and what’s their purpose and benefits. So let me take a few minutes of your time and bring some clarity.
Meditation is an ancient path that consists of wisdom, techniques and practice, and allows you to manifest the life that you choose. It also empowers you to create a life full of happiness, inner freedom, fulfilment and purpose.

Meditation is thousands of years old, predates the world’s major religions, is scientific and systematic, and has been used by people and cultures across the ages. Unfortunately, as religions become embedded in local populations, this ancient path of living your highest life came to develop a strong religious flavour. The non-religious masters retreated into the background and the religious teachers took centre stage.

Many great individuals used this wisdom, including the young prince Siddhartha Gautama, who later went on to be known as the Buddha, the Awakened one. In his years of teaching, he selected and used a few techniques from this vast science, which continued even after his passing under the label of ‘Buddhist Meditation’. These include vipasana, ana-pana-sati, and more, all of which existed before Buddha, but now came to be packaged differently.

Buddhism spread across the world and eventually found root in the fertile soil of young American minds. A minute number of Americans were eager to try it, but the large population stayed away from participating, because of the strong religious packaging these techniques were presented in.

In 1979, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn secularized one particular type of Buddhist meditation and renamed it mindfulness. Over the next 30 years, that simple act successfully spread a small part of meditation to thousands of individuals from all fields of life, and into hundreds of hospitals and other medical facilities worldwide.

To summarize, meditation is the whole book on how to live your intended life, with many chapters, and mindfulness is one of the chapters in the book of meditation.

A little more on Mindfulness

In essence, mindfulness is about paying total attention and awareness to something, without judgement. These can include our experience of the present moment, our own bodies, our thoughts and emotions, our unseen assumptions and our conditioned habits of mind and behaviour.

With the hectic lives we lead today, when was the last time you were able to slow down and breathe, much less pay attention to the present moment? I bet it’s been awhile. In fact, on most days you’re probably feeling so overwhelmed, worried and stressed that you’re happy just to make it through another day.

In the past 35 years, meditation in various forms (including mindfulness) has found its way into the mainstream of medicine, health care, and psychology, where it has been broadly applied and continues to be studied through clinical research and neuroscience.

In fact, in recent years, meditation and mindfulness have also begun to move into business environments, sports performance, the armed forces and even astronauts.

Mindfulness is being conscious of what you’re feeling, more intentional about your behaviors, and more attentive to the impact you have on others. Start using mindfulness meditation and you will see benefits such as improved focus, greater control over stress, balanced emotions, stronger immune system, a clear mind and many more…

But don’t just take my word for it. There’s plenty of scientific research that backs up what I am saying, and I am happy to show you how to make the benefits real in your life too!

SoulCentre is Asia’s Premier Personal Development Centre for meditation, mindfulness and stress management.

Attend our popular ‘Meditation Made Simple’ program and understand how meditation and mindfulness can benefit your life tremendously.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Life Coaching - How does it help me?

Do you ever feel as if life is simply passing you by and you are not really living the life you dreamed of?
This happens to all of us at some point in time and often it is because we have stopped really focussing on what we want to get out of life. Instead we start to please others and do what is expected of us, fulfilling the multiple roles that we have taken on and end up like a hamster running round and round on a wheel without much thought to where or what we are doing.

So at this moment, as you are reading this blog, I want you to STOP and ask yourself this one question.

What do I want from my life?

Yes YOU – the person reading this
What do YOU want for YOUR life?

For one moment forget your roles, forget your kids, your job, your partner, your dog, your shopping list, your facebook account, your need to be busy… and simply think about YOU!

If you need some help with this question, then give us a call and book a one-on-one life coaching session.

So what is a Life Coach and what will a Life Coach support and guide you on?
  • A life coach is someone who will ask you questions that really make you think.
  • A life coach is someone you can trust.
  • A life coach is someone who will push you just a bit further than you could ever imagine is possible.
  • A life coach will listen to you fully and without interrupting you.
  • A life coach is someone who will hold up a mirror and help you see what limiting beliefs you may be carrying.
  • A life coach will not judge you.
  • A life coach is someone who will see your strengths and start to build on these.
  • A life coach will also support you on any weaker areas, however this will not be their focus – after all your strengths are what will take you higher.
  • A life coach will help you see the patterns of your life and will give you action points to change.
  • A life coach will bring change to your life for the better.
Change is EASY – it begins with one thought, followed by ACTION.
So what are you waiting for?
A fun life awaits you - maximise your potential.