Friday, February 14, 2014

Looking Within

When we observe life carefully we realise that right from our childhood we have only been trained in how to examine and understand things in the external world and that no one has taught us how to look within. 

Our entire training for life has been externally oriented. We are always taught how to move and behave in the world we live in, but we are never really taught how to be still and examine what is within ourselves. We have not been taught how to still ourselves, create silence within and observe the inner realm of our thoughts, feeling or actions. With such a lack of training we are unable to have a clear understanding of our deeper selves.

Meditation teaches you how to observe, understand and master your inner world. When you learn to sit still, you attain a kind of joy that can only be experienced by a human being through meditation. All the other joys in the world are transient and momentary, but the joy of meditation is immense and everlasting.

Meditation is a powerful tool that makes life complete. In fact, it even helps us in connecting with our external world, and enjoying it deeper. Just try it. You will find yourself exploring beautiful new vistas. 

Make your life better today – add meditation to it!

If you would like more information about the unique meditation programs created by Vikas Malkani and offered by SoulCentre® please contact:

Vikas Malkani / SoulCentre
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372