Thursday, September 13, 2018

Resilience - A much needed skill for children

Resilience – A much needed skill for Children
By Sally Forrest
BSc, MRPharmS, MBA.
11th September 2018
Resilience is the ability to pick yourself up when things do not go your way.
The ability to recover from setbacks and difficulties, the ability to have mental toughness.
Resilience is a skill that can be taught in children (and adults) and the earlier it is taught; the better life will become.
Life will not always go the way we expect it to, and this statement alone will change the way your child reacts to life.
Life often throws us a curve ball; Death of a loved one, Divorce, Redundancy, Moving Country, Loss of a Pet …the list is endless. The question we have to answer is “How do we deal with this new situation and how do we get our life back on track?"

Children are tough!
Do not treat them otherwise. Expose them to the Ups and Downs that life throws their way.
How can you develop Resilience in your child? Here are 4 easy steps:
1)    Talk OpenlyTalk about how you have dealt with issues in your own past, how did you feel, what actions did you take to get back on track and how you managed to turn life around once more.
2)    Expose them to other people’s experiences.If a friend has an issue then do not be the only one who offers support. Discuss the situation openly in the family and expose your children to life’s challenges at an early age.
3)    Accept that Change is normal.If we expect that life will always be the same, then we will sadly be disappointed. Explain to your child the concept of life cycles, show them this in nature. At an early age get them to understand that everything will one day pass away. Demonstrate this with the seasons in nature - the leaves fall, the grass grows and is harvested, butterflies are here for a short time and then move on.
The sooner we all accept that each day that passes is one less day we have to live on this wonderful planet, then the sooner we start to appreciate all the good things we have in life.
4)    Nurture positivity.Self-confidence and a positive outlook in life will see you through any crisis. Develop the attitude that “no matter what happens in life, I can deal with it”.
Whenever your child has an issue, do not jump in and solve it for them. Ask them questions to get them to suggest answers and ways forward.
At SoulKids we offer one on one coaching for your child in addition to group programs.
Please do connect and register your child for one of our upcoming workshops:

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Success in Life

Success in Life

By Sally Forrest
BSc, MRPharmS, MBA
12th September 2018

Success means different things to different people.
The question is “What does life success mean to you?”

Imagine that life is like pieces of a Jigsaw, each piece joins together to create an image.
What image are you creating for your Life?
In this moment I want you to simply STOP and reflect on your life.
Are you happy and content with the image you are creating, or do you want to alter the image in some way?
Your past does not have to determine your future and at any moment you have the ability to make changes to life.

I work with many clients to first identify what are their natural strengths.
What skills and talents did you arrive with?
Believe it or not this is actually written into your date of birth and by using elemental analysis I can explain exactly the make-up of your skill set.

For example: 

Fire element is all about inspiring other, showing your passion and leading the way.
Metal element is law abiding, disciplined and great at setting up systems and processes.
Wood element loves to learn and grow, to teach others.
Water element likes speed of implementation, expansion and is able to change form.
Earth element is trustworthy, stable and reassuring.

What elements you are born with and how they interact is the first step to understanding what pieces you have in your jigsaw. My philosophy is that you follow your strengths, you grow these to excellence as these are the pieces of the jigsaw that you arrived with.
Along your journey you collect new pieces each year and these are also explained through a series of cycles.

Not everyone has all 5 elements and this will also give an indication of what roles are not suited to you as well as weaker areas to develop.

Together we formulate a Life Success Method that is tailored to you, and may include Health, Wealth, Relationships, Purpose, Work, Growth and Legacy…
The pieces are up to you as Success is your own creation and will mean different things to different people.
To book a one on one session with Sally please connect on: