Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Train your Mind to create Happiness, Peace & Success!

Through meditation you learn how your mind works, and you clearly see the fact that everything you experience arises from how you think.

Meditation offers many simple techniques and practices; doing any one regularly will help you see the positive difference in your life, at home and/or at work!

Here’s a few effective strategies that create happiness and inner peace -

·      When you find yourself angry/disappointed in situations, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” 

·      Resist less; accept more. Then influence. When we accept others, ourselves and situations for what they are, we become more effective in influencing them to change to become what we’d like them to.

·      Time is always limited, so prioritise your activities and do the most important ones first.

·      Plan your week to include time for fun, spontaneity, open spaces and rest. Eliminate unnecessary commitments.

·      Smile and laugh more.

·      Learn to delegate responsibility. Don’t carry the whole world on your shoulders.

·      Moderate your intake of sugar, salt, caffeine, and alcohol.

·      Create a personal support system – people with whom you can share openly without fear.

·      Welcome change as an opportunity to learn and grow.

·      In this journey of life remember to stop and smell the flowers! Look for things to appreciate every day, everywhere.

·      Remember, life is too short to be unhappy!

If you would like more information about the unique meditation programs created and taught by Vikas Malkani at SoulCentre® please contact:

Vikas Malkani / SoulCentre
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

5 strategies from meditation to manage stress, stay happy and be successful!

Follow the wisdom of the enlightened masters, encapsulated in the 5 strategies below, to create a happy and successful life –
  Accept ownership & responsibility over your life
Whatever you experience in your life and the way you feel and react towards it is a direct expression of who you are. At the deepest level, everything occurring in your life-experience is the result of your own desires, choices, actions and reactions. 
So, accept full responsibility and control of your life: both of what your life is now, and what you want it to be.

   Refuse to have short-term vision
Adopt strategies and actions that create long term growth, and drop any thought or action that promises short term gratification.
Keeping a long term view eases stress and tension.

   Stretch your comfort zone
Humans and organisations are conditioned to seek security and safety, but life often provides the opposite to ensure our growth. So do more than you think you can; take the step you think you can’t.
Dare to confront security and comfort as primary motivations. Instead, dare something worthy. Greatness lies on the other side of the comfort zone.

   Be action-oriented
Results come from actions, not intentions.
Remember that the best strategy in the world won’t bring results unless you translate it into effective action. Excessive thinking leads to stress, and action often releases it.
To learn how to swim, you must get wet. Believe in action – it’s what changes life and the future.

  Choose to be optimistic
You always have two choices in every situation – either curse the darkness, or light a candle.  Choose the more positive attitude, always, regardless of the situation.  It comes at the same expense as the negative choice but with extremely different consequences. One produces stress and the other releases it. Remember that stress arises out of the way you think.

You can always glimpse the positive option, in every moment; you simply have to remind yourself to look in the right direction.
Remember that if you keep your face to the sunshine, you cannot see the shadows.

If you would like more information about the unique meditation programs created by Vikas Malkani and offered by SoulCentre® please contact:

Vikas Malkani / SoulCentre
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372
Email: info@soulcentre.org
Website: www.soulcentre.org

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Wait Or Create?

In life, there are always reasons not to do what we should do.These are called ‘excuses’!

The good news is that there are also always ways we can do what we wish to do, regardless of everything else.

So the real question is this – What’s winning in your life - your excuses, or your intentions?

Do you wait? Or do you create?

If you would like more information about the unique meditation programs created by Vikas Malkani and offered by SoulCentre® please contact:

Vikas Malkani / SoulCentre
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Meditation empowers you to eradicate stress!

It’s proven beyond doubt that the benefits of meditation include happiness, a calm mind, stress free living, regulated blood pressure, stable emotions, control of anger and freedom from anxiety, to name just a few. 

Vikas shares some effective techniques from the wisdom of meditation to live an optimal life of happiness, inner peace and joy….

  • Eat life one bite at a time

Don’t be too concerned about how much there is to do, or how big the task seems.  Just get one thing done at a time, and repeat.  Do what’s in your power, and brush aside other concerns.
Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

  • Understand inter-connectedness

We are all part of an intricate interconnected web called Life. What you do is not separate from the world around you, and anything you do for the betterment of others eventually results in the same for you.
Make yourself happy, by making others’ lives better.

  • Release resentments and judgements

If you truly accept responsibility, you spontaneously release blame and resentments. Holding onto hurt or hatred over what others may have done in the past, makes you their slave in the ‘here and now.’

  •    Connect with silence regularly

In the midst of frantic activity and endless to-do lists, it’s easy to lose your happiness and peace of mind. Once this goes missing, nothing else will feel fulfilling.
Instead, regularly disconnect yourself from activity (including phones, emails and social media) and connect with silence within.
Be alone, be silent, and be still. Inspiration strikes then.

  • Do 10 pull-ups every morning

You can't become stress free if you spend time focusing on problems, what’s missing or what you should have done. Whatever happened, it's over now, and it’s time to move on.
So begin every morning by doing 10 pull-ups - consciously pulling yourself up towards happiness by counting 10 blessings that exist in your life already, and acknowledging the fact that you are in a better position than the majority of our world.
This one practiced will turn your life around.

If you would like more information about the unique meditation programs created by Vikas Malkani and offered by SoulCentre® please contact:

Vikas Malkani / SoulCentre
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372