Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Happiness Begins With Me

Vikas Malkani
13th September 2017
Every morning is special, because the past is gone, and the future is yet to happen. Only today exists. If you choose to, you can make today an opportunity to be happy, consciously, no matter what!
There is plenty of evidence to show that happiness is beneficial for health. Happiness produces endorphins within the body, which strengthen the immune system and result in overall well-being.
So give yourself the gift of happiness today; both your mind and body will thank you for it. Happiness is simple, when you know how.
Here are 5 simple tips to help you.
Ask yourself some key questions - What makes you happy at work? What makes you happy at home? What do you love to do? What are you currently doing that prevents you from experiencing joy?
You'll find that by putting your answers down on paper, they'll become clear more quickly and the actions you need to take more obvious and easier to initiate.
We usually tell ourselves the story of what we lack, what others have that we don’t. Instead, begin every day by consciously counting your blessings and knowing the fact that you are in a better position than the majority of our world. Stay focused on your full-ness, not your empty-ness. This one practice will turn your life around.
It's impossible to experience happiness when you're always judging others. Accept the truth that we are not here to judge one another. The next time you find yourself getting upset, ask, "Are you judging?" Judging others is often an unconscious habit that can be changed the moment you decide to stop doing it.
Many people silently talk to themselves very negatively, yet they would never accept the same from a stranger, friend, or loved one. So become aware of your self-talk and if it’s negative, try this - For one week, simply commit to saying "stop" whenever you think a negative thought.
Carry a notepad and make a mark each time you catch yourself thinking negatively. And then, think of something you enjoy doing, something positive. You'll find that as the days go by, your negative thinking can quickly be reduced.
Fun is good. It's what children do naturally. Why do we stop pursuing fun as we get older?
Fun shouldn't be squeezed into a few weeks of vacation each year, while the rest of our life continues to be drudgery. And it shouldn't be squeezed into the last chapter of your life either, when you "get to" retire. Fun should be a daily experience!
But fun doesn't just happen. You have to make it a priority in your life. The wise know - happiness and fun are the reasons for living, not the symptom of it. Fun deserves to be a part of your life today, and forever.
Adopt this as a new rule – Follow Your Fun!
In my best-selling book The Little Manual of Happiness, I write “Happiness is now, or never!” Well, you can be happy now, as you read these words, or you can wait.
This is the perfect moment to be happy; in fact this is the only moment you’ll ever have. Happiness is a choice, and it begins with you.
So why delay? Choose to be happy today.
SoulCentre is Asia’s Premier Centre for Meditation, Mindfulness & Stress-Management.
For details & dates of our meditation programs, connect to


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

My Spiritual Journey

Sally Forrest
23rd August 2017
Every one of us is born with a purpose and when we look back and connect the dots it’s easy to see that at any moment we are being guided forwards, however we do not always have the eyes to see.
I achieved my business success early in my career through a lot of dedication and effort and it was when I was literally shining bright near the top of the corporate ladder that my foundations were shaken.
I remember the moment vividly. I was managing a large Boots store with over 400 staff, we had smashed our X-mas targets, broken all records and there was still a week to go before X-mas.
I was celebrating the huge success with one of my managers when my telephone rang and the news I never expected to hear came to me.
My mother had died suddenly at the age of 60.
My world literally stopped.
What had seemed so important in the external world was suddenly nothing at all.
It no longer had relevance.
Here I was with all the externals of life, but what use were they when you receive news like this?
This moment was key in my Spiritual evolution.
I realized that we have no control over the external world and also in that moment I had no control over my inner world either.
I felt helpless, lost, confused and empty.
The following weeks and months seemed unreal and without meaning.
My reality and life had changed.
The Universe then took over and opportunities arose which I accepted.
I moved to Asia to open a chain of retail stores and later opened an Orphanage.
Whilst doing the work for the Orphanage I had a realization that people could heal themselves without any access to western medicine.
As a Pharmacist, this intrigued me and so I went on a search to learn alternative ways to heal.
I studied Reiki, Feng Shui, Meditation, Color Medicine, and Mind-Body connections.
I sought out great teachers and eventually I met Vikas Malkani.
The rest as they say is history.
The universe brought us together and obviously had greater plans for us.
We combined our strengths, created SoulCentre and SoulKids and many years later became man and wife J
Meeting Vikas has been a gift from the universe to me.
On reflection had my mother been alive, I doubt I would have left the UK as we were very close. It was truly a key piece in my jigsaw of life. It was painful, however it moved me forwards to something I would not have done before.
Sometimes life throws us a curve ball.
Something we did not expect to happen.
It’s painful, it knocks us off our feet and in that moment our world seems to fall apart completely.
However, I believe that if you trust the universe and follow its signs, then everything that happens to us happens for a reason. The picture of your life starts to unfold.
If you have the courage to follow the signs then one step leads to another and before you know it life takes on a totally new meaning.
I now live my life knowing that I have the inner skills needed so that no matter what happens to me in life, I am able to handle it.
I know to celebrate the good times and to be aware that negatives in life will also happen.
I have learnt to count my blessings and to look for the good in every situation.
I have learnt that everything is temporary and soon will pass away.
I have learnt to be true to my heart, to be authentic and to simply give my best.
I have learnt to focus my time, energy and effort on the things that truly matter in life and to stay away from dramas :)
I have learnt that we have one life, so live it fully and leave the world a better place because of it.
Sally conducts one on one sessions with clients and supports them to find their life purpose.
She does key note speeches on various inspirational subjects “How to find your purpose”, “How to get the best from life” and various Feng Shui topics.
Sally is also a Business Coach and Mentor.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

3 Secrets From The Tao

Vikas Malkani, SoulCentre
16th August 2017
The Tao Te Ching spoken by enlightened master Lao Tzu is one of my personal wisdom treasures. Every time I dive into its wisdom, I feel so touched, inspired, expanded and humbled!!
The amazing Tao Te Ching is made up of 81 short chapters that contain limitless wisdom. Only an enlightened master could have spoken so simply and so powerfully at the same time.
The Tao Te Ching is not a discussion or a debate, it’s a statement of reality as experienced by one man. It’s the distilled essence of this thing we call ‘Life’, as he saw it from a place of enlightenment.
The Tao is full of wonderful revelations and secrets, some completely contrary to common thought, and others so simple that they are easily missed. It’s a sharing that leaves one refreshed, empowered and curiously peaceful, even after only a few minutes of swimming in the ocean of wisdom it offers.
I offer you 3 powerful secrets from the teachings of Master Lao Tzu.
Tao Secret #1 - Decide your ‘Enough’ from a place of trust
Human desires have no end. Our thirst for more and more is insatiable. The Tao teaches that we have to consciously decide what is ‘enough’ for us, in different aspects of our life, and abide by that set point, else we will be on a search that never ends.
If we do not train our mind, we will continue to want more and more, create more and more, and drive ourselves harder and harder for a goal we never seem to reach. Meditation that leads to wisdom is the way.
Happiness comes when can be content with what we create, and this is possible only when we can live from a place of trust and decide what is ‘enough’ for us.
Reminds me of what Mahatma Gandhi once said, ‘The earth has enough for the needs of all men, but it doesn’t have enough for the wants of even one!’
Tao Secret #2 - Live in alignment with the world around you
The Tao teaches that we are meant to align ourselves with the world around us, and the universe we live in. it is not prudent to force the world to fit into our ideas of comfort and what we think is right and wrong.
Remember that the earth was here long before we arrived, the cosmos was spinning before we started our life, and manifold life forms we unconsciously extinguish for our comfort existed in balance before we decided to rule the world!
Realize that the universe supports us, but it doesn’t need our support. Thus it is wiser always to align with the universe, rather than force the universe to align with you.
If you simply spend a few minutes to research the harm that plastics are doing to the environment and the oceans around us, you will realize that Master Lao spoke to us with wisdom that is timeless, and especially relevant today.
Fit in and flow with the Universe; don’t force it to align with you!
Tao Secret #3 - Softness is stronger than hardness
Once you begin to meditate, or receive guidance from a person of wisdom, you realize that that is no need to be hard, harsh, rough or crude, in any and all aspects of your life. The Tao says that soft and flexible beats hard and rigid. The bamboo that bends is stronger than and will outlast the tree that doesn’t.
Softness is strength, flow is resilience, and flexibility is longevity.
Flow through life and whatever it presents you with; fight with nothing. Everything just presents an opportunity to manifest something better, and you can use whatever life presents to create what you want, if you come from a place of wisdom.
Thus, suffering can be a doorway to joy; struggle can open a window to simplicity; failure can become a trigger for realization!
Non-resistance is the way of the master, says Lao Tzu. Resist nothing, respond to everything!
I love the wisdom contained in the Tao Te Ching. I hope you have enjoyed and benefited from the 3 secrets I’ve shared above.
For the very first time in Singapore, I will be teaching ‘Secrets of the Tao Te Ching’ on 9 & 10 September 2017, at SoulCentre. Come and spend 2 days with me in a weekend of wisdom and enjoy a transformational experience with life minded students.
If you are keen to develop wisdom like Master Lao Tzu, I highly recommend our ‘Meditation Made Simple’ program as the perfect first step in your journey of awakening and wisdom.
Click here to see dates and register ;

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Meditation For Busy Mums

Vidhya Shailesh
SoulCentre Certified Meditation Teacher
9th August 2017

Juggling between work and home, coordinating the children’s schedules, driving them to and from their classes, seamlessly attempting to run your home and keeping abreast and on top of everything – such is an average day in the life of a busy mum. The never ending demands of the family and the to-do lists that never seem to get done can often make you feel like you are just running from pillar to post day in and day out. Life often gets into such a crazy routine cycle that one day rolls on to another and on to another and months sometimes years pass by too quickly.

If you are such a busy mum who often finds yourself with more than you can handle, then meditation is the solution for you. As a mother of two, I often find myself in similar situations and even in times when it appears I have no time, I often turn towards meditation to center myself and find my balance. I am often asked, “When do you get the time to meditate?” I believe, if you try and find time, you always can. Meditation is a way of life. The wisdom and practices of meditation help us train our minds and take control of our emotions. Meditation teaches us to live joyfully. So here’s a few tips from meditation that busy mums can benefit from.
1)  Start your day on a positive note.
As soon as you wake up, even before your mind starts thinking about the many things you need to get done, spend a few minutes setting the intention for the day. Offer gratitude for the many blessings life has gifted you and see the day as an opportunity to contribute. When you start the day on a positive note, it lays down the foundation for the rest of the day. Many times through the day, whenever you feel you are getting overwhelmed, stop and reconnect to the many blessings in your life. Gratitude has the power to change you from the inside. It creates a feeling of happiness and peace on the inside and this reflects in your actions through the day. As you end the day, reflect on the day gone by and offer gratitude for it once again.
2)  Meditate by focusing on your breath.
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t necessarily need an hour to sit and meditate always. Depending on the situation, sometimes even a 3-minute practice can help you feel better. Make it a habit to focus on your breath for a few minutes every now and then. You might be waiting at the parking lot of the school to pick your child up, or riding a taxi to your next appointment. Use the time to just close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. With each breath, focus on the inhalation and exhalation. Repeat this for a few minutes till you feel relaxed.
3)  Be in the moment.
Meditation teaches you to bring your attention to the moment. While we may all have long list of things to do, we have to understand that at any given moment, you can only handle the task on hand. Prioritize your list and focus on what needs to get done at this moment. You might be approaching a project deadline and planning your child’s birthday party within the same week. Learn to compartmentalize your mind. Meditation teaches you to focus on one thing. When you are at a particular task, the training helps you avoid thinking about all the other things you need to get done. With greater focus, comes better efficiency. Move through your list this way one thing at a time. For example, when you are working on your project, give it your full attention. Once that is done, you can focus on planning the birthday party. Trying to do both at the same time, only leads to stress and neither gets done properly.
4)  Choose what you fill your day with.
We all have the same twenty-four hours in a day. Therefore, choose the things you would like to fill your day with and let go of things that just take up too much of your time. Delegate where possible and give small responsibilities to the children as well. This will not only clear up your time, it will also make them accountable.
5)  Find joy in all that you do.
Meditation teaches you to live joyfully. When you are simply moving from one thing to the next on your to-do list, it is often easy to become disconnected and mechanical. Remember to stop and connect with life every now and then. Find joy in everything that you do. Even the seemingly mundane things you do can become joyful if you just change your perspective.
Meditation helps us become aware of our thoughts. Everything in our life starts at the level of our thoughts. Take charge of your thoughts to take charge of your life. Do not allow the routine and rigors of an ever demanding life consume you. Learn meditation at SoulCentre® and benefit from the wisdom and techniques on a daily basis. Live your life joyfully and get more out of your life.
To learn more, get in touch with us at or visit

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

What Is Enlightenment?

Vikas Malkani
2nd August 2017

A question that has troubled spiritual teachers and students alike for thousands of years ... What Is Enlightenment?

Many words have been used to define enlightenment - moksha, awakening, samadhi, nirvana, universal consciousness, satori and so many more.
Here's the simplest metaphor to understand it.
Imagine you are asleep and dreaming that you are living a normal life. In the dream, everything seems real - what you eat, where you go, who you meet and what you do. You feel emotions, take actions and have experiences.
Everything seems real, very real in this dream.
And then suddenly, something happens and you wake up!
There is an immediate and transformational ah-ha! A realisation that 'I was asleep, and everything was just a dream. Now I am awake.’
That what I thought was real, was not real. In fact, this is reality.
You wake up from what you thought was real, and see reality as it is!
This is enlightenment, often also referred to as 'Awakening'.
The word 'enlightenment' is used to also denote 'being in the light of truth', a way of saying you woke up and actually see what's true.
What leads to it?
There are essentially only 3 ways:
1) The path of authentic meditation, which brings wisdom and tools that create inner transformation
2) Finding and following a genuine spiritual teacher who has experienced enlightenment, and who can guide you to the experience.
3) A big balance of positive karma, which leads to the search for spiritual wisdom and a spiritual teacher, which eventually brings awakening!
The enlightened masters have stated that we are all on the path to enlightenment already, every one of us.
It's just that we are all progressing at different paces. But eventually, enlightenment is the final destination for all of us.
Knowing this, why delay?
There you have it - enlightenment made simple!
Learn Meditation and Mindfulness at SoulCentre® and take charge of your own health, happiness and peace of mind.
In just a few sessions through our unique Meditation Made Simple program, you will learn some valuable techniques that you can use on an ongoing basis.
At SoulCentre® we conduct meditation classes right from beginner levels and you have the option of continuing the training to become certified as a teacher should you choose to.
Do get in touch with us at for more information.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Ever Wanted To Run Your Own Business?

Sally Forrest
5th July 2017  

There is something exciting and liberating about wanting to start your own business.

The thought of being your own boss, living life on your terms and watching the cash roll in is intoxicating.

Anyone can indeed start a business; however, the skill comes in making the business successful, profitable and sustaining the business over a number of years.

Over 50% of businesses fail within the first 18 months and over 95% of new businesses fail within the first 5 years.

The statistics are real and sobering.

In today’s economy, it is easier than ever to start a business, yet the figures remain the same for failure rates.

In fact, sitting in Singapore and reading the news over the past month, there have been report after report of smaller businesses closing their doors, and calling it a day.

So, what advice can I share with business owners from my experience?

Here are 3 top tips:
If you start a business and it’s run from your home and you are a one-man band, then life is certainly easier. Overheads are lower; however, it may not be seen by many as a true business which is scalable.

Once you start renting an office, opening a space and employing staff, then cash flow needs careful consideration.

Suddenly you can find yourself needing to make $15,000 - $30,000 +  a month simply to “stand still” and pay the bills.

A business needs to ensure it has at least 12 months of cash available to cover its overheads before it begins operation, and at least 6 months on an ongoing basis to cover any eventualities.
Hire staff with the correct skill sets and ones that match the brand.

For any business to succeed, staff are critical. As a business owner, you will need to invest time, energy and effort into getting the correct staff and ensuring they are capable and trained to do their roles.

Great staff bring amazing results.
If staff become a cost and are not adding value to the business, then it’s time to review.

An even worse scenario is that staff become a burden and actually slow the business down, need constant management and do not bring in return on investment.

In this situation, it’s time to make tough decisions and to review how the business is staffed.
Every member of staff needs to understand the return on investment equation and if they are not able to see that they have a role to play in bringing in business, delighting customers, making efficiency improvements or removing the burden from your shoulders, then it’s time to let them go.
Larger companies can carry “extra staff”, however smaller companies soon feel the pinch and need to take action swiftly.
Customers bring success to the business. The more the merrier.
No customers = no business, the equation is that simple.
Listen to your customers and take action on their needs.

What do they want from your business?

What products or services do they need from you?

Identify your top 20 customers and delight them.

Get into the mind-set of your customers.
It is easier to keep existing customers happy than it is to keep having to find new customers.

Customers are the life force of the business, delight them and you will find your business is more smooth sailing.
I hope my top 3 tips have given you some food for thought.

If you have a great business idea then I encourage you to move ahead.

Start out with awareness, take correct actions and the success will be yours.
If you want to book one on one business coaching with us at SoulCentre then please drop an e-mail to:
We focus on creating the correct mind-set that brings you results.
Sally Forrest
Managing Director
SoulCentre Pte. Ltd.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Cannot Sleep? Learn To Meditate

Vidhya Shailesh,
SoulCentre® Certified Meditation Teacher
29th June 2017
Unable to sleep even though you are very tired? Endless nights of sleeplessness followed by days of lethargy and sleepiness can sap your energy and leave you feeling miserable. Though insomnia or sleeplessness can be caused by many factors, stress is one of the primary causes for people tossing and turning in bed. An over stimulated mind, too much activity, absence of a winding down routine can all lead to an inability to fall asleep. Erratic mealtimes, lack of exercise, worry and emotional turmoil along with an inability to let go can be some other reasons.
Sleep is a way for our body and our mind to rest and rejuvenate. Therefore it is essential that we get our daily quota of sleep. Different people can have different sleep requirements. While some might feel refreshed with just 5 hours of sleep, some others might require 7 hours at minimum. A deep restful sleep will ensure your body feels rested and the mind refreshed. Sleeping too little or too much can harm you physically and can also dull the mind. Here are some tips from meditation and mindfulness you can use to ensure you have a restful night of sleep:
Meditation is a powerful way to train your mind to focus on the moment. The various techniques of meditation and the practices, when learnt properly bring our attention to the present moment and teach us to reduce the flurry of thoughts in our minds. Meditation and mindfulness has been scientifically proven to help with anxiety, stress and worry by bringing the mind to the present moment. A technique as simple as focusing on your breath can help create an internal state of relaxation and wellbeing. Lie down on the bed, place your hands over your belly and bring your focus on the breath. As you breathe, observe the rhythmic pattern of the breath. Continue to do this for a few minutes. This helps clear your mind, relaxes it and helps you settle down. It is also a very powerful way to quiet the chatter of the mind. Meditation teaches you to let go and to be in better control of your emotions. The above is just one of the several meditation techniques you learn and benefit from at SoulCentre®.

A routine takes your mind off the stresses of the day and helps you focus on the task on hand. Sometimes even reading a book can help you detach from the day's events. Writing a journal, reflecting on the day gone by positively, listening to some soft music or even taking a short stroll in the garden are different ways of allowing your mind and your body to ease into a relaxing state.
Avoid stimulants of all sorts before going to bed. This includes food based stimulants, medication, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, sugar or even your laptops, phones and tablets. Electronic devices keep the mind stimulated and active. An active mind finds it very difficult to unwind. Keep a routine of switching off all electronic devices by 10pm.
Develop the habit of mentally offering gratitude for the day gone by. Think of the day and the events of the day positively and offer gratitude for it. Gratitude helps the mind become peaceful, calm and happy. Developing this bedtime routine helps you make peace with the events of the day and also helps you set the foundation for the next day. Most importantly it ensures you end the day in a happy frame of mind. At SoulCentre®, we believe a happy mind is positive and peaceful. And a happy mind finds it much easier to settle into sleep.
Learn Meditation and Mindfulness at SoulCentre® and take charge of your own health, happiness and peace of mind.
In just a few sessions through our unique Meditation Made Simple program, you will learn some valuable techniques that you can use on an ongoing basis. A regular meditation practice benefits you in ways beyond your imagination. You feel happier, healthier, and more peaceful, relaxed and will definitely sleep better.
So get in touch with us at for more information or visit