People are always in the search for answers... I say that the questions are what lead to Enlightenment.
Finding the answer can become an endless search, but asking the right question can become the beginning of the end of the beginning.
The Buddha asked himself a question 2568 years ago, had the courage to follow where it led him, and eventually woke up.
I asked myself a question 24 years ago and had the courage to follow where it led me, and here 'I AM'.
The question is always more important than the answer.
I will be happier if you have the question rather than if you seek the answer alone, because asking the right question will always lead to the answer.
Let me start you on your way. Here is the question for you.....
If God were to grant you one favour, what would you ask for?
Carry this question with you in your awareness and have the courage to go where it takes you.
Soon I will welcome you to your own awakening...
With love and light, I wish you Enlightenment,
Vikas Malkani
The Enlightenment Specialist