This morning, I’m giving a talk at SoulCentre Academy on “How to stay Calm in the Storm”.
A subject appropriate to the moment I think.
In life, we are always setting goals for ourselves and working to make them happen. This gives us focus and ensures that we use our time and energy efficiently and effectively. It also provides us with a sense of purpose and direction. We know where we are going and what we want to do. But quite often, due to forces outside our control, things do not go as we had planned and we have to reconsider our plans and priorities, sometimes in the blink of an eye. This is what happens when life is unpredictable.
The ability to accept what is happening and let go of your original expectations is a key for dealing with these unexpected turns of fate. We have a tendency to get stuck in our heads, clinging to an idea of how we think life should go, and we can have a hard time accepting anything that doesn’t comply with that idea.
The fact is that life is unpredictable.
In order to keep us awake to opportunity and to teach us equanimity, the universe throws us the occasional curve ball. Remember that curve balls are not only life’s way of keeping us awake, which is a gift in and of itself; they are also often life’s way of bringing us wonderful surprises.
Next time something doesn’t go the way you planned, take a deep breath, say thank you, and open your mind to a new opportunity.
With love and light, I wish you Enlightenment,
Vikas Malkani
The Enlightenment Specialist