Here is a very important question - Are you fully committed to your goals?
It is only when you are committed fully that the universe supports you 100%. Most people decide what they want and then when one little thing gets in the way, they give up. That's not commitment; that's fantasizing.
Commitment is absolutely 100% totally essential in achieving whatever it is you desire.
Webster's dictionary defines commitment "To devote oneself unreservedly".
It means you give 100% to whatever it is that you want in your life. The people that have had the greatest success achieved what they have because they were fully committed.
Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen created the #1 best-selling book series, Chicken Soup for the Soul after being rejected by publishers 144 times. Jonathan Livingston Seagull became an inspirational classic after numerous rejections. Ray Charles, the musician, was told by his teachers that he couldn't play the piano. Harry Potter wouldn't have seen the light of day had J K Rowling listened to her rejections.
What all of these people had in common was they stayed true to their intention, were committed, and took action toward their dreams. They never gave up; they rejected rejection and kept on going till they had it right.
What is your commitment quotient?
Vikas Malkani