The truth is that your thoughts are just like seeds!
Every thought you have is a seed you plant in the eco-system of your life experience!
And seeds are known to grow into trees that bear fruit.
What kind of seeds have you been planting?
Your mind is like the rich, fertile soil of a garden. Whatever type of seed or thought you plant in it will grow into a tree that bears fruit.
Your fruit is known by your results. Look at the results are you getting in your life? They reveal the type of seeds that you have planted throughout your past.
When you were young you did not have the choice of what kind of seeds got planted in your mind but now that you are older you get to choose the thoughts that you hold in your mind.
Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis does in fact become your reality.
So train your mind to think thoughts of peace and joy. Of happiness and success.
Make sure you spend a lot more time thinking about what you do want instead of what you don't want.
As you think, so you are.
This is a deeper truth than most people realize. Your thoughts, feelings and actions are your responsibility. Choose them wisely and you will create a life of your choosing. Ignore them and you will have a life you don’t want.
You are a Creator; you cannot change this reality!
So choose to be a conscious creator rather than an unconscious one.
With love and light, I wish you Enlightenment,
Vikas Malkani
The Enlightenment Specialist
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