Thursday, December 29, 2011

I love meditation !!!

I love meditation !! Its my greatest treasure. Something that can never be taken away from me.
Anton loves it too. So much so that he is now training to help others learn meditation also.
Thank you Anton for walking this journey with me, and for helping me to spread this ancient wisdom to others around the world. The Universe loves you for this beautiful intention. Big hug from Vikas

See what Anton has to say about his meditation journey....
"Ever since I was a teenager, I have had this feeling inside that there is more to life than just the outside experiences like growing up in a family, going to school or working in the office.

My search to understand life's higher purpose brought me to many insightful books but it was not until I met Vikas and became his student that my eyes were truly opened. Vikas' life teachings are simply wonderful and speak directly to my heart. I always feel blessed to learn from him.

The highest teaching is meditation which I would describe as the science of the mind. Once you know how the mind works and how you can train your mind (through meditation) it only takes persistent practice to change your life. My life was already beautiful but has become even better since I started meditating. I see more beauty in the world than before. My mind is ever calm and peaceful and I don't get disturbed by the ups and downs of life. As a result of meditation, I have become a bigger inspiration to the people around me, both in my family and in the office.

Meditation brings happiness, joy and good health. Vikas changes lives for the better through his teachings and that is what I want to do also. There is no bigger gift than wisdom and I just love to share it with others. Because I love this wisdom so much, now I am taking Vikas' training to become a certified meditation teacher and I can't wait to run my first class and make a real impact on the lives of many other students.

Thank you Vikas for being a beacon of light to me and so many others. You are the biggest inspiration!"
With love and gratitude,
Anton Broers

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The World Needs Meditation

Just look around you and you will realise that the world needs meditation more now than ever before!

There is external chaos and instability everywhere. And there is no solution more powerful than meditation to keep you stable and strong inside, even as you sail the external storms of life.

I have known this from the first time I experienced the power of meditation. Now, many others are experiencing the amazing abilities of meditation too.

Read below to see what Jana Dawson has to say. I am very happy she is training with SoulCentre to become a Certified Meditation Teacher. I know she will go on to touch and transform many others with her energy and wisdom.

Jana says, "If we dissect the word disease, dis-ease, then it would be correct to say that unhappiness, dissatisfaction and lack of purpose are types of diseases that require treatment. A moment of truth arrived in my life one day, and I could no longer ignore that I was unhappy. It was time to take control of my life. I started by sampling courses at several centres and eventually found the right fit at SoulCentre.

Vikas is a truly inspirational life-guide whose own wisdom, knowledge and resources are endless. He has a unique ability to present intricate, ancient concepts in a simple and practical way.

Learning meditation with Vikas has helped me understand myself better, discover my life destination, my purpose and live in my own power. With meditation I have gained control of my thoughts, feelings and actions and this in turn has empowered me to become the author of my own life.

As we change, so does the world around us. My new mindset has had a positive ripple effect on my whole family and we have entered a different level of peacefulness and joy.

Wisdom taught by Vikas opens your eyes wide, allowing you to observe the world in a more profound way, making it impossible not to help ourselves first and then go on to help others. It is now my deepest desire to share knowledge, happiness and compassion with others. I believe it is the only way to create a conscious and united world. This is why I am training with Vikas under Meditation Teachers Training Program to become a Certified Meditation Teacher"

Thank you Jana, for becoming better, bigger and brighter than your old self - I am so happy you walk this journey with me. 

With love and light, 


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why I am Becoming a Meditation Teacher

I am grateful to everyone who has joined our Meditation Teacher Training program. These are the individuals who are students today but will be teachers in time to come. They will change their life through the wisdom, tools and practice of meditation, and then help others to do the same also.
Thank you Goran for joining me to spread authentic meditation to people around the world.

Here is why Goran Musulin committed himself to become a Certified Meditation Teacher with SoulCentre. "When I was a little boy, I would sit quietly from time to time, close my eyes and observe the darkness and sparkling lights around my eyes. The stillness within. I was curious and interested to understand what it was but no one around could explain or teach me. It was my little secret for about 30 years until life brought me back to this experience again. A few years back, experiencing a “corporate burnout”, exhausted from working and thinking around the clock about my job, career and company, suffering from a painful and unbalanced state of mind, the first thing which came into my mind to help me recover was Meditation & Yoga. So I started to buy books and watch videos on YouTube. That led to even more confusion but I was sure that this was the right path for me; I just needed a good teacher.

So I started to search for an authentic teacher, and happily found a wonderful place in Singapore, SoulCentre, and a wise and enlightened master, Vikas Malkani. There is an old saying, 'When the student is ready, the teacher will appear'. Well, that's how it happened in my life.

During the first Meditation Made Simple class in January 2010, I realized that I have to change the way I live and the way I think. I have to take a break from work to recover fully and take care about my mind, heart & body. Looking back, it was the death of my 'old me' and the birth of something new and beautiful.

I continued to invest in my personal growth and growing myself. I was taking classes with Vikas and had the second big realization in May 2011. I decided to leave my HR job and career with Siemens. After more than 20 years in Healthcare, I felt strongly that it is time to change where I was headed. I had the strong desire to share with others what I was learning and experiencing from Vikas. So I left my job and security behind me to fully dedicate my time, energy and efforts to learn in depth about the wisdom of meditation and become a certified teacher under the guidance of Vikas. Then I could also spread this wonderful treasure with others.

I would like to thank my meditation teacher Vikas for his passionate, simple and inspiring teachings. He can explain the most complex ancient wisdom in a simple and understandable language of today’s world, it is truly transformative."

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Meditation Makes Life Beautiful

Meditation changed my life completely, all for the better. I became more positive, stress-free, happier and passionate. The wisdom, tools and practice of meditation have been my greatest treasure. And I share this treasure with others whenever, wherever I can, because I want them also to live in happiness and freedom everyday.

I am so happy to see that others are now inspired as I learn and share meditation. Here is Deborah Carlson, now on our Meditation Teacher Certification Program, on how meditation benefited her life...

Deborah says, "When I was in University, as part of my degree in training and development, I took a course in Motivation where we explored the concept of limiting beliefs and perception. During that course I suddenly became aware of the constant chatter in my head, the incessant questioning, thinking, doubting and self chastising of my everyday life. Techniques such as creative visualization, guided meditation helped me to find relief from this ever present, relentless mental deluge.

I randomly read about different types of meditation, all requiring 1 hour or more of dedicated practice each day and a myriad of other special requirements.. Something I was not willing to submit myself to nor thought possible to accomplish as my career (read "blackberry addict") and family (single mom of two young energetic boys) consumed every moment of my day.

But finally 20 years later in SoulCentre I took Meditation Made Simple and in it, I found several easy ways to incorporate meditation into my daily life. Achievable even for a busy corporate executive (50% travel), single mom of two. This experience opened my eyes and gave me some very effective tools to gain a more peaceful mind and create more happiness in my life.

As I progressed in training, I began to truly see and observe the chaos of my thoughts and to enjoy more peace.  And I found that with worrying less, I felt less stressful; with less self-chastizing I felt more positive, capable and happier! I began to see the power of this ancient science.

And the thing is... with Vikas as the teacher, it was all really very simple! I benefited so much, and so now I'd like to teach others this miracle that is meditation, that has resulted for me in a much more positive mindset, peace of mind, and gratitude for my life."

Well done Deborah! You are an inspiration to us all.

With love and light from Vikas

Dear Reader, I hope you too find the courage to experience meditation and enjoy its many benefits.
(To connect with, or for a complete listing of meditation courses by Vikas Malkani, check our website

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kids love Meditation !!!

Meditation is easy - just ask these amazing children !!!

I have heard some people say that meditation is difficult. Well, say that to these amazing kids who have recently completed a "Meditation for Kids" program with me.

On the course with me, they learned that meditation is simply training the mind to be our friend rather than allow it to be our enemy. They learned simple and efficient techniques to take charge of their own life and joy. They are now happy, confident kids and are using the ancient wisdom of meditation everyday to live a joy-full life.

Well done children, you make me proud!
Love from Vikas to all of you.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Meditation – The Ultimate Life-Management System available!

Meditation is the fastest path to understanding the mind and knowing yourself. 
Contrary to popular belief, authentic meditation is totally non-religious, very scientific, and an empowering technique without par. The fact that it has not just existed but thrived for almost 10,000 years all over the world speaks volumes for its credibility.
Here are some facts about meditation which you should know. Withdrawing from the mainstream of life is just the opposite of what we are trying to achieve when we meditate. By bringing out our full potential, meditation allows us to enjoy life to the fullest. We do not have to retreat to caves for our sessions - the same results are reaped when we meditate in the comfort of our homes. Meditation is simple and effortless once the habit is developed. Anyone can meditate. Meditation is a simple, natural and effortless technique for quietening and stilling the mind, making us experience an inner peace and leading us to connect with our True Self. Meditation is simple because it works in harmony with your true nature or your higher consciousness. The state of total health, peace and happiness is already there - all you have to do is use a technique to arrive at it. Meditation is a very powerful, time-efficient and safe way of doing this. Mediation is a scientific technique and is totally non-religious. It's time-honoured, having proven itself for thousands of years.

Since the mind is the source of unhappiness or happiness, stress or calm, sickness or well being, failure or success, it is only logical that we should direct our attention to the mind.
Once we start meditating, we become more peaceful, less reactive and more stable - all states that lead to greater efficiency in our life with less stress or friction. Tense muscles, overactive nerves and an overactive mind drain our energy reserves. Becoming calm energises you once again.

Calmness and vitality are complementary. People who are ‘hyper’ may seem energetic but they are actually fuelled by nervous energy. They end up irritable and mentally exhausted when their nervous energy wears off.

You will feel the beneficial effects of meditation even after your first few sessions. The effects are subtle but cumulative. So every passing day you will find yourself a little less stressed and a little happier.

In meditation lie the solutions to all our sufferings. The human mind is the creator of our happiness or unhappiness, joy or sorrow, pleasure or pain, freedom or bondage, stress or relaxation, good or bad, failure or success, and by understanding one self, one understands the mind and how to create what is beneficial for us and others and desist from the unconscious creation of what pains us and others.
Meditation has benefits on many different levels. It works on the physical body and through it goes deeper to the emotional and mental self of the practitioner. It’s easy to learn and can be practised almost anywhere including in your office or car while commuting.

Here are just some of the important health benefits of meditation -

1) Meditation leads to Reduced Blood Pressure
The release of stress causes our muscles to relax, including the muscular walls of our blood vessels. This means more blood can pump through the vessels and there is less resistance to the overall flow. This means less blood pressure.
In contrast, high blood pressure is recognised as a major factor in producing heart diseases and heart attacks.

2) Meditation creates Improved Sleep
When we meditate regularly, we tend to fall asleep quicker and our sleep is deeper. This means we get more and better quality sleep. As a result, we wake up feeling fresher and more alive. We also feel more energetic and calmer throughout the day.

3) Meditation increases Blood Circulation to all Organs and Glands
Relaxed blood vessels allow increased blood flow to all body parts.
Increased blood flow to the brain means we feel fresher and can think more clearly. It also helps to prevent strokes. Increased blood flow to the digestive system means it will function better and we will digest and assimilate food better.

4) Meditation balances the Two Hemispheres of the Brain
Studies show meditation has a balancing and harmonising effect on the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
Our left hemisphere is responsible for our logical thinking. The right side is responsible for feelings. Due to fast-paced modern life, many of us tend to operate more from the left hemisphere. We think too much and analyse too much, at the expense of our feelings.
Meditation allows us to have the right balance of logical analytical thought and emotional feelings.
5) Meditation helps Asthma
A clinical research conducted by Ron Honsberger and Archie F. Wilson in the USA reported that asthmatic patients showed improvement in their asthma after starting meditation.
Ninety four percent of the group showed fewer airways resistance measurements, 55% showed improvement as reported by their personal physicians and 74% stated they themselves felt an improvement.

6) Meditation stimulates hormones and keeps you young.
Meditation stimulates our glands to produce more hormones. It also reduces the production of the body’s stress hormones.
Studies show that hormone levels in meditators are similar to those in people up to ten years younger. This is one of the reasons why meditators look and feel younger.

7) Meditation assists Health Problems
Up to 70% of health problems are psychosomatic, that is, they have a mental origin, so it is easy to understand how the awareness and control over our thoughts that meditation brings can help many of these disorders.
8) Meditation allows you to be alert yet at rest
It is the unique combination of deep relaxation and yet increased alertness that differentiates meditation from other relaxation techniques and sleep. It is referred to as the meditative state of consciousness or the super-conscious state. It indicates the emergence of the Higher Consciousness.
9) Meditation optimises Brain Function
Reports published in the International Journal of Neuroscience claim that higher levels of EEG coherence measured during the practice of meditation are significantly correlated with increased fluency of verbal creativity, increased efficiency in learning new concepts, more principled moral reasoning, higher verbal IQ, decreased neuroticism, clearer experiences of transcendental consciousness and increased neurological efficiency.

The above are just some of the benefits that meditation brings into your life. The meditation habit is one worth developing and results in a life of alert and joyful tranquillity. It is the best investment you can make in yourself. Please visit SoulCentre Singapore or our website for Meditation Courses in Singapore.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Meditation - the only technology for happiness!

How do we create our own happiness regardless of what unfolds in our external life?

You will ask this question when you come to the great realization that the external world is by definition, beyond our total control. From ancient times, the enlightened masters have given only one answer - Meditation. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Meditation - Who are you really ?

Consider this question and peel away the conditioned layers .
Meditation introduces you to yourself .

I send you my love and gratitude