Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Meditation Helps You Discover Yourself

Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leads to ignorance. 
Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back and choose the path that leads to wisdom
                                                                        The Buddha

Meditation teaches you to observe.  For instance if you are miserable, just observe the misery as misery without feeling compelled to do anything about it.  In the fertile space of observing, the cause of misery becomes clear – it arises because you are reacting with negativity, craving or aversion. 

As you keep observing that sensation, it begins to lose its strength and passes away – and the negativity passes with it.

Meditation shows you why you feel the way you feel, how you have become what you are, and the repeated patterns of behaviour you are conditioned to operate under without awareness. 

The goal of meditation is not to achieve just another transitory ‘other-worldly’ experience but to accept whatever manifests itself with equanimity and ease, and then be able to change it. 

If you would like more information about the unique meditation programs created by Vikas Malkani and offered by SoulCentre® please contact:

Vikas Malkani / SoulCentre
Mobile: (65) 9875 2372

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